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User Event

user-event is a helper that provides more advanced simulation of CLI interactions than the fireEvent method.


userEvent can be used either as a global import or as returned from render:

import {userEvent} from 'cli-testing-library'


import {render} from 'cli-testing-library'
const {userEvent} = render('command')


Note: All userEvent methods are synchronous with one exception: when delay option used with userEvent.keyboard as described below. We also discourage using userEvent inside before/after blocks at all, for important reasons described in “Avoid Nesting When You’re Testing”.

keyboard(instance, text, [options])

Writes text inside a CLI’s stdin buffer

import {render} from 'cli-testing-library'
test('type', () => {
const {getByText, userEvent} = render('command')
userEvent.keyboard('Hello, World![Enter]')
expect(getByText('Hello, world!')).toBeTruthy()

options.delay is the number of milliseconds that pass between two characters are typed. By default it’s 0. You can use this option if your component has a different behavior for fast or slow users. If you do this, you need to make sure to await!

Keystrokes can be described:

  • Per printable character

    userEvent.keyboard('foo') // translates to: f, o, o

    The bracket [ is used as a special character and can be referenced by doubling it.

    userEvent.keyboard('a[[') // translates to: a, [
  • Per special key mapping with the [ symbol

    userEvent.keyboard('[ArrowLeft][KeyF][KeyO][KeyO]') // translates to: Left Arrow, f, o, o

    This does not keep any key pressed. So Shift will be lifted before pressing f.

The mapping of special character strings are performed by a default key map portraying a “default” US-keyboard. You can provide your own local keyboard mapping per option.

userEvent.keyboard('?', {keyboardMap: myOwnLocaleKeyboardMap})

Special characters

We support inputting many special character strings with the [ syntax mentioned previously. Here are some of the ones that are supported:

Text stringKey name
[Space]' '
[ArrowLeft]Left Arrow
[ArrowRight]Right Arrow
[ArrowUp]Up Arrow
[ArrowDown]Down Arrow

A full list of supported special characters that can be input can be found in our key mapping file.